
Ditulis oleh: -
I had resigned myself to a final crop yield of four pumpkins this year.  And I was fine with that.  Sure, I was dismayed about those that had died on the journey,but I knew from previous experience that not all that started out would make it until the end.

And then, something amazing happened.

I had taken the soft, spongy pumpkin - the one that had prompted my emergency harvest- and set it beside the house.  I wanted to watch it rot slowly as the porch pumpkin had done.  Because I'm odd like that.  But it didn't rot.  It just . . .sat there.  And yesterday, when I touched it, it was no longer soft and spongy.  It had become solid once again.  And was even showing signs of ripening.  I was ecstatic.

It's a Halloween miracle!