economically haunted

Ditulis oleh: -
On a recent weekend road trip, I found myself down on the southern edge of the Bay of Fundy, on a boat to Brier Island. I was familiar with Brier Island before I went. Sort of. I knew it was popular as a base for whale watching expeditions. I knew it was home to a lodge and hiking trails. And that's where I thought it ended. A small, wild, largely-unspoiled island just off the Nova Scotia coast. So imagine my surprise when we drove off the ferry and into a village. Unbeknownst to me, Brier Island is home to the once-thriving fishing village of Westport.  Who knew?  I clearly need to start taking more of an interest in my home province.  Anyhow, while Westport may have once been a bustling little village, it has clearly fallen upon hard times. With their main source of income now from the summer tourist season, most businesses are seasonal and shut down in the fall.  Abandoned homes are plentiful.  And on the rainy, overcast day on which I visited, they had an unmistakable potentially-haunted quality about them.

And while I take no delight in the misfortune of others, it made for some interesting sightseeing.  Can't wait to go back.