
Ditulis oleh: -
It had promised to be a dark and stormy night, but turned warm and humid instead.  Nevertheless, I traveled downtown for Neptune Theatre's autumn offering of Frankenstein.  The perfect way to welcome October.

As indicated, the play adhered more closely to the original novel than to any of the subsequent movie versions.   Upon entering the theatre, I had noticed Mary Shelley's portrait among those of the show's "creative team".  Always a good sign; I'm happy she chose to participate.  The monster had no bolts protruding from his head and boasted quite an impressive vocabulary.  There were, alas, no villagers carrying flaming torches. But there was thunder, lightning, and crackling electricity.

And while I enjoyed the play, I came away wondering if casting had been completed at the time that the promotional materials were printed.  Because the actor portraying the monster bore little resemblance to the photograph on the the posters and the playbill.  And not once during the play did he take his shirt off.  He looked more like the older brother of the guy on the posters.  Or perhaps a crazy uncle.

Just a thought.  It didn't diminish my enjoyment of the evening. And I'll always have the playbill's cover image.