Halloween Crush

Ditulis oleh: -
I abhor orange-flavoured pop.  Every brand I've ever tried tastes bitter to me.  Like medicine, artificially flavoured to make it more palatable.

My husband is my polar opposite in this respect.  He loves orange pop.  It's his beverage of choice, and he seems so disappointed when it isn't on a menu.  I can usually ignore this character defect.  But when I noticed him carrying a bottle of Orange Crush recently, I saw something I couldn't ignore.

It appears Orange Crush has been transformed, at least temporarily, into Orange-O-Lantern Crush.

Never in my life had I wanted so badly to like, actually like, orange pop.  But it seemed impossible.  So I hurried to the nearest store.  If the orange flavour had been transformed, maybe Crush had similarly altered its Grape, Lime, and Cream Soda flavours . . .

And indeed it had!  Lime, Grape and Cream Soda had become "Slime", "Gruesome Grape", and . . . . "Blood Cherry"?  Apparently there was no way to make Cream Soda sound spooky.  So of course, I scooped up one of each.  Relieved that I didn't have to subject myself to the horrors of Orange Crush.

Gruesome Grape is my personal favourite.