
Ditulis oleh: -

It's terribly awkward and slightly creepy watching those enthusiasts getting half downed by their tails or trying to rectify underwater hair problems...utterly tragic but all the more entertaining. Heheheeeeeeee. I don't know if mermaids are required to hustle (those in the videos clearly do but I am also just obsessed with this song) but what I know for sure is that summertime is upon us! Rock pools by the beach, flippers and noodles in the pool, acting like mermaids, flipping your long hair out of the water...living it up, strictly back in junior school. Such activities should not be left lurking in the past, with Halloween just around the corner! With inspiration gathered from being called a mermaid, I got the hint and found me some shells (must administer pearlescent paint and about a pound of gems, STAT). Now I just need something like this green pencil sequin skirt/this dress and/or the perfect head piece...

What are your costume ideas this year?