Nocturne 2011: Year of the Bubbles

Ditulis oleh: -
For the fourth consecutive year, Halifax has held a city-wide nighttime art show.  Nocturne. Free admission to galleries.  Temporary installations created throughout the city.  It's a wonderful event.  And one that I look forward to each October.  But this year, I noticed some . . . differences.

Perhaps in the beginning, contributors were inspired by the darkness that would surround their work.  Or maybe by the timing of the event in mid-October.  Because many of those early installations possessed an aura of creepiness.

From ghostly figures on lamp posts.

To a dimly-lit graveyard of suitcases.

To a decaying mermaid.

This year, however, the over-riding theme appeared to be bubbles and balloons.  Still enjoyable, but overall, a shinier, happier Nocturne.

I painted with light at the Discovery Centre while bubbles spilled out into the street.  I listened to my heartbeat amplified through a pulsating pink and white, fibre optic jellyfish.  I re-created the experience of a car (sort of) while passing through the Happy Wash.

In retrospect, I think the creepiest part of the night had to be the two giant birds who built a room full of balloons containing the live Tweets they received during the evening.

But then again, I find most feathered creatures disturbing.