
Ditulis oleh: -

Here are 2/6 new vintage gems; crochet beaded dress and one shiny number. Op shopping around Wynnum proved to be a lucrative success! Calamari and chips by the sea, at the end of the day with flocks of seagulls (hovering so low in the strong wind you feel like you can reach up and pluck them out of the sky) on the boardwalk was the best part.

I seem to be picking up crystallizations of the 90's more often these days. I can't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia, I have always wanted to be a young adult during the 90's so I guess I am just making up for lost time. I had too much fun putting this post together including a mix tape full of juicy pop favourites...

What era would you most like to/have lived up and why?