the weight of water

Ditulis oleh: -
The trees were built with rain in mind.

They knew a dry and calm final week in October would be too much to hope for. And they were right. It always rains in late October. Always. And they were ready. They had plenty of support. Or so they believed. They were standing for a day and a half when the meteorological gods noticed their presence and sent the deluge. They stood bravely as the rain and the wind intensified. They were resolute. Shuddering only occasionally, they stood firm. For a time, it looked like they would make it. They survived the first day of pouring rain. And the second day. But by the third day of relentless precipitation, they'd had enough. They were weakened. They were tired. They were broken. And they simply couldn't take anymore. They had been prepared for rain. Just not so much rain. Just not day after day after day of drenching rain. And wind. Let's not forget the wind. Saturated and sagging, they finally gave up and doubled over.

Fortunately, rescue arrived in time. They are now recuperating on the veranda. Under the watchful eye of the dead tree branches. Waiting for the rain to stop. Not sure when that might happen. Hoping to dry out and regain their former strength in time for a weekend appearance.