good intentions; bad memory

Ditulis oleh: -
Weeks and weeks ago, when I first heard about the Davis Graveyard's Spiderfest 2010, I decided to create a spider and send it off to Oregon. I gathered my materials. A broken bike helmet. Paper and paste. Gardening wire. Cotton puffs. Old wine corks. And I set to work.

The spider turned out reasonably well. I was rather proud of the little guy. I applied a last coat of paint and put him behind the shed to dry.

And then I forgot about him.

And then it started to rain. It rained and it rained and it rained. It rained for days.

And when I finally remembered the spider behind the shed, he was a little . . . soggy.

He eventually dried out. But he was no longer the spider he had been. And he definitely wasn't feeling up to a cross-continental flight. So the storm-ravaged spider will be spending Halloween amongst my haunted flowers and trees. And I'll be working to improve my memory in time for Spiderfest 2011.