When purchased, it was filled with miniature bags of potato chips to be distributed on Halloween night. Then, once empty, the bag itself could be used for trick-or-treating. Ingenious. But with one obvious flaw. It couldn't be used by the resident trick-or-treater until its contents were given out to visiting trick-or-treaters. By which time, Halloween night would be over. Hence the need to transfer the little bags of chips into another container. To free up the original bag.
I was always willing to assume responsibility for this task. And if a few of those tiny bags of chips went missing during the transfer process . . . well, it couldn't be avoided. An occupational hazard. Especially where hot dog and pizza flavoured chips were concerned. My favourites. A preference clearly not shared by many since they were discontinued after a few short years. But what wonderful years they were. Luckily, we lived in a rural neighbourhood. With a long uphill driveway. And few trick-or-treaters. We really didn't need all those bags of chips.