slapstick monsters

Ditulis oleh: -

I usually spend the period between Labour Day and Halloween indulging in classic horror movies. And by "classic" I mean movies made prior to 1960. After which horror became a little too  . . . realistic . . . for me.  I had already lined up my next several movies.  Thanks to a bargain basement collection of "horror classics" that I picked up last year.  When this morning's round of errands led me past a DVD aisle.  And past a recently released copy of "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein". One the re-releases for Universal's 100th anniversary.

I'm not a huge fan of slapstick comedy. But I never could resist the Universal monsters.  So my previously-planned viewing was put on hold this weekend while I immersed myself in horror-comedy.

The movie's title is somewhat misleading. At no point do Bud and Lou meet Dr. Frankenstein. Just his creation. But why quibble?

It was good to see Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney again as Dracula and The Wolfman, although the years since their heyday had not been kind to them. I've never seen an Abbott and Costello movie before but I knew what to expect by reputation.  Two guys. One bumbling idiot. One "straight man".

They inadvertently become involved in the monsters' release, which is orchestrated by Dracula and his medical accomplice.  They want to make Frankenstein's monster a little more docile and malleable. Which is where Lou Costello's brain comes in.

Eventually, everyone figures out what's about to happen and hilarity ensues. If you like slapstick.  If not, it's still an entertaining way to spend a couple of hours. The ending even sets up the first sequel: Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man. Which I will likely track down at some point.

But now, back to my originally-scheduled horror viewing.