
Ditulis oleh: -

silky butterfly dress etsy, dog tapestry bag from Sydney's Paddy's markets (sorry guys I did buy the pups instead of the kittens I feel like my pup would hate me if I didn't and kittys always get all the love anyways), boots off etsy, hello kitty bracelet from a vending machine

A few weeks ago, I found a butterfly sitting in the grass outside my house, it was orange and black, about the size of my palm. I prodded it with a blade of grass and it didn't move so I assumed it was dead and caught it in a tea cup. I planned to pin it into a box frame when I had the time so it stayed in the teacup for a few days in my room. On the third day it started fluttering around in the cup, so I set it free. The next day it came back and stood on our back door for the day. My grandmother always said that animals or insects that hang around are those who have once loved you,  who have passed on but miss you and come back to see you.

Above are some images from BibliOdyssey (one of my favorite sites, it's just like a cabinet of curiosities); The Royal Digital Library of Belgium has a small album of delicate and charming gouache insect sketches produced in China in the 19th century.