it's coming . . .

Ditulis oleh: -

Very much looking forward to this year's Countdown to Halloween.  I've been a lacklustre blogger in recent months but there's nothing like a month of Halloween celebrations to change that.

This year, I'll be attempting something slightly different. Since last New Year's Eve, I've been participating in a 365 Project: a photograph a day for one year. As October approaches, I'm planning to devote the month to taking not just a photo each day, but a photo that is in some way reflective of Halloween (however tenuous that connection might sometimes be!) And in addition to posting them to my 365 Project page, they will also form the backbone of my 31 Countdown to Halloween posts. At least that's the plan, as I sit here in September.

And if it doesn't always work out, I'll still have my classic horror viewing, Halloween treat-making, ghost-walk taking, jack-o-lantern carving posts to carry me through.