misgivings day weekend: day two

Ditulis oleh: -
So not surprisingly, I didn't accomplish nearly as much on this Misgivings Day weekend as I had intended.  But it remained a productive weekend nonetheless. Even if the candy corn cookies did not get baked.

My prize acquisition of the weekend was this box of metal cookie cutters. Yes, there were only a couple of types in the box that I did not already have in my Halloween cookie cutter collection, so let's be honest here. It was the box's vintage design that drew me in and made it impossible to leave the store without them.

I also managed to take stock of prop-building supplies. Although nothing has actually been built yet. I'm waiting for the deadline to loom just a little closer. But in looking over my supplies, I'm thinking that this year's theme should be "props-made-from-stuff-I-bought-but-never-got-around-to-using-in-past-years".

And finally, I harvested the first of this year's front yard pumpkin crop.  It's resting comfortably on the deck now.  Watching the sun go down on this bright and chilly Misgivings Day weekend.