I picked up a copy of Martha's October issue yesterday. Without even opening the cover. I reasoned that, with no new Halloween issue this year, it would certainly be packed with creativity and inspiration.

But no. It wasn't. In fact, the most interesting part was the Grandinroad advertising insert. So then I began to ask myself: "Am I expecting too much?" "Am I being unduly harsh in my judgement?" "Am I the problem?"

But no. It wasn't. In fact, the most interesting part was the Grandinroad advertising insert. So then I began to ask myself: "Am I expecting too much?" "Am I being unduly harsh in my judgement?" "Am I the problem?"
For the answers, I turned to my kitchen shelf, where amongst the various cookbooks, I keep Martha's old Halloween and October issues. And I took a walk down memory lane. And I came to the conclusion that it's not me, Martha; it's you. It's definitely you. Ah well . . . there's always next year.