Boris and Lon Jr. and me

Ditulis oleh: -
Every year at about this time, my attention turns to my seasonal movie viewing. I like to give the month of October over completely to Halloween-themed or otherwise creepy viewing. And for me, creepy viewing means horror movies pre-dating 1960. Before the blood and body parts began to flow. During the past two years, I've devoted myself to the classic Universal monster movies. Now, having exhausted most of those, I need to look elsewhere. But where?

And then, suddenly, serendipity struck.

I was in my grocery store, en route to the milk which we always seem to be out of, when I passed a clearance rack of DVD's. No particular genre. No theme. No connecting thread. Other than that they were all DVD's the store wished to be rid of. And there, below Season 1 of Ellen and above the collectors' set of Bonanza, two DVD sets caught my attention.

A set of five Boris Karloff movies that I've never before seen. And . . .

. . . six Inner Sanctum movies with Lon Chaney, Jr. My favourite wolfman. Together with one of my favourite old radio shows. I had no idea there were Inner Sanctum movies.

So in that brief moment of chance, I solved my movie dilemma for October. And possibly for November as well. And I even remembered the milk.