Anyone who was reading my blog at this time last year may recall my misadventures with candy and caramel apples. We have a long and checkered history together, candy apples and I. And it's clearly not over yet. Because when I entered a local Second Cup recently and approached the counter, intent on ordering a pumpkin spice latte, my eye caught something. Something new. It seems my beloved pumpkin spice latte is now sharing it's promotional space with the new latte in town. The Caramel Apple Latte. Caramel apples. I hate you, and yet I can't turn away.
So I ordered one. And I carried it to a table facing Spring Garden Road to people-watch and rediscover the joy of the caramel apple. Alas, it was not to be. This caramel apple latte contained no hint of caramel, other than the somewhat artistic swirl that graced the top of the foam. Nor did it contain the flavour of apples. I was profoundly disappointed. Once again, the caramel apple has let me down. Betrayed my trust. Never again, caramel apples. Never again.