For Halloween this year I'm going to be a Hello Kitty fanatic - like a stalker, wanna kill and stuff you add to my collection (just for halloween though)! My local fabric store has the cutest selection of Hello Kitty fleece at the moment. Every time I go in for supplies I have to go visit the HK section and pat it all and stare for a while... (stalker face).
More this way...
Here's a spOoOooOOky story. Rewind back to my 4-7 year old self my obsession for all things HK took over my life. My mum bought plushies that filled my bedroom, clothing, shoes, dinnerware, toaster, bed sheets...EVERYTHING. I was the happiest girl in the entire world! Unfortunately as the struggles of growing up caught up with me, I developed this complex to become 'less asian' I even thought I was a red head with freckles at one point and that my name was Sarah. My friends all called me Sarah too. I can also remember looking into the mirror and seeing this ranger chick - me. I resented my love for Hello Kitty and cast out all of my favourite possessions into the world. ;'( THE END.
I bet Chuck Palahniuk could tell it better with some stylised violence and gore etc. little kid tearing off her face and stealing her friends features. Anyways, I'd like to share my favourite short by him called GUTS (read here) this is my favourite horror story I like to read my boyfriend ;P Apparently people fainted at a couple of separate live readings...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

I hope you like the outfit I made!! What are you going to do for Halloween this year?
More this way...
Here's a spOoOooOOky story. Rewind back to my 4-7 year old self my obsession for all things HK took over my life. My mum bought plushies that filled my bedroom, clothing, shoes, dinnerware, toaster, bed sheets...EVERYTHING. I was the happiest girl in the entire world! Unfortunately as the struggles of growing up caught up with me, I developed this complex to become 'less asian' I even thought I was a red head with freckles at one point and that my name was Sarah. My friends all called me Sarah too. I can also remember looking into the mirror and seeing this ranger chick - me. I resented my love for Hello Kitty and cast out all of my favourite possessions into the world. ;'( THE END.
I bet Chuck Palahniuk could tell it better with some stylised violence and gore etc. little kid tearing off her face and stealing her friends features. Anyways, I'd like to share my favourite short by him called GUTS (read here) this is my favourite horror story I like to read my boyfriend ;P Apparently people fainted at a couple of separate live readings...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

I hope you like the outfit I made!! What are you going to do for Halloween this year?