all pumpkin, no spice

Ditulis oleh: -
At this time of year, I have a weakness for pumpkin-spiced . . . anything. Lattes, fudge, muffins, cheesecake. I've tried it all. So when a local doughnut food truck was promoting its pumpkin-spiced, freshly-made doughnuts, I just had to stop and try some.

And this may be it. The tipping point. The one food that finally cures me of my pumpkin spice addiction.

Because. These. Were. Horrible.

Several warm miniature doughnuts (that part was fine) covered in pureed pumpkin and graham cracker crumbs. That's it. No cinnamon. No nutmeg. No brown sugar. No spice of any kind. Clearly, these people have no understanding of the "spice" component in "pumpkin spice". I may need a pumpkin spice latte to help me recover.