new beer in town

Ditulis oleh: -

Longtime readers of this blog may recall my arduous struggle to find pumpkin-spiced (or otherwise seasonally-themed) beer in my part of the world. I knew they existed. I had seen the pictures and postings. But they never seemed quite able to make the journey to the east coast of Canada. Varieties from other parts of the country arrived sporadically at best, less and less in recent years, and the occasional locally-produced pumpkin ale did little to fill the void, tasting simply like . . . beer. And not especially good beer.

Yet I never lost hope. And this weekend, when I spotted a new addition to my liquour store's limited seasonal selection, I had no choice but to buy it and bring it home. Where I discovered that it tastes exactly like . . . beer. And not especially good beer.

My search continues . . .