countdown to halloween: ghosts of halloween past

Ditulis oleh: -
It's the Thanksgiving long weekend. Traditionally, this is the weekend I do one of two things: leave town on a road trip or get caught up on Halloween preparations. This year, it's the latter. My goal this year has been to create a yard haunt without buying any new materials. Instead, I'm trying to use up all the junk/leftovers/odds and ends that have been accumulating in my shed and in my basement over the last several Halloweens.

It's got me thinking about simplicity. Sometimes the simplest creations are the most effective. Like this guy from a few years back.

Just a basic styrofoam wig head. Facial features deepened. Covered with a layer of paint. Creepiest guy in the yard that year. My neighbour thought it was my son. Not sure if he should be flattered.