false start

Ditulis oleh: -

So, realizing that September has begun and Starbucks has in all likelihood begun serving up its pumpkin spice lattes once again, I stopped in on my cold and rainy trip home from work.

Anticipating its presence.

And I was not disappointed. At least not at first. Indeed, I was greeted by a lovely sign heralding the arrival of the beloved beverage.

I walked toward the counter, the only customer in sight.

The clerk (are men called baristas?) approached me hesitantly. He seemed . . . distracted. Unsure as to whether he wanted to take my order.  Thinking I may have interrupted something, the conversation proceeded as follows:

Me: Were you in the middle of something?
Clerk (looking over his shoulder): Uh . . . I was just making myself a drink.
Me: Oh. Well, go ahead. Do what you need to do.

So he went off and finished making himself a drink!

At which point, a second clerk (who had been busily unpacking boxes) came over to take my order. This action must have returned the first clerk to reality because he immediately began working on my latte, although still distracted. Obviously reeling from his inability to finish his own drink.

So not surprisingly, my first pumpkin spice latte of the season was a disappointment. Too sweet. Runny whipped cream. Leading me to declare a false start.  This latte never happened. I have not yet savoured my first pumpkin spice latte of the season. Later this weekend, I will visit  a Starbucks (not the same one, although I'm not sure how much longer that guy will be working there) and try again.

My second "first latte" awaits. I remain hopeful.