All Demin

Ditulis oleh: -
What's the next step up from double denim? EVERYTHING DENIM! It's a darn shame I don't have denim hair or underwear. So, Friday night is Four Thousand's 300th birthday party (if I was still in Japan I wouldn't have an issue walking out like this just for coffee) but it's Brisbane so any excuse to dress up and I am there with bells on - or denim!

vintage halter and shorts customised by me (dug em out from the grave aka back of reject wardrobe), vintage denim jacket (stuck some stuff on that), american apparel socks, tokyo bopper shoes, necklaces from ebay and customised (with a glittery teddy from Harajuku) hello kitty ring from vending machine and mlp bracelet gift made by a friend. 

Right now I am exhausted from going to IKEA then putting all of the things I got from IKEA together. Getting too old for this IKEA bitniz...but hey I also got these acrylic nails last week and they lasted throughout the whole building affair!? I'm impressed. I'm not a nail biter and my nails get pretty long but goodness are they weak as hell that's why I wanted to give them a go. Moreover, because badgalriri sports those cool pointy ones but the nail technician convinced me they were yuck. Anyway I found this Iggy Azalea interview really entertaining and she also gettin' her nails did...'gotta get the bread roll and dip it in the buttaaa.'

Please feel free to share some of your epic denim outfits dream/actually wore, would love some great ideas for Fri Fri :)