DIY: Fleecy Set

Ditulis oleh: -
Okay I'm addicted to iMovie! So here's another short DIY tutorial viddy for a cropped sweater and skirt ensemble. I was walking through Spotlight the other day and came across this awesome unicorn fleece material, obviously too dangerous to be children's sleepwear :O...sorry kids.

It's heating up in Aus but for those of you who are on the flip side, perfect timing to get some warm comfy stuff together. For fellow soon-to-be beach bunnies, you can even choose a lighter type of material for this project (you can do whatever you like)! Quite the versatile trans - seasonal pattern I feel ;p. Enjoy!

luv aj necklace, tokyo bopper shoes, topshop socks, bag DIY here

Just as a note I got about:

  • 1.5m of material
  • 0.5m of ribbing
  • 1m elastic

This was just enough and allowed room for mistakes and redos! *But it all depends on the width of the material you choose as well. I also decided to keep the warning message, DO NOT USE FOR CHILDREN'S SLEEPWEAR, I reckon it makes it. I will also be careful around flames and thangs, okay, yes. I'll never get over ponies...

Anyway, I hope you have a crack at it, I'd love to see how it turns out for you! :)