Tombstone Marie III

This is the third Marie in the series...
Label : ATC - Tombstone Marie III
| boy |

Dracula (with subtitles)

Halloween viewing season began last night with the Spanish version of Dracula . Which I knew existed but hadn't yet seen. However, since...
Label : classic horror, movies
| boy |

Tombstone Marie II

This is the second Marie in the series...
Label : ATC - Tombstone Marie II
| boy |

porch pumpkins

The first of the front yard pumpkin crop. Relaxing on the porch.
Label : pumpkins
| boy |

Tombstone Marie I

This is the first in a 4-part series for a swap at Marie Antoinette Mail Art.
Label : ATC - Tombstone Marie I
| boy |

Neko Chan

Busting out the manga again! This time I'm hooked on Cat Eyed Boy, to the point I want his cute little face tattooed on a part of my bod...

garlic and pumpkins

One of the first things I saw as I arrived at last weekend's Garlicfest. Garlic and Halloween seem like a natural combination.
Label : pumpkins, road trips
| boy |

am I asking too much?

Are my expectations too high?  Am I being unreasonably demanding?  I'll buy them anyway, of course, as I already have since their re-app...
Label : candy
| boy |

Happy Halloween Marie Card and Envelope

The framelit that I used for the envelope liner can be found at Stampin' Up! on my business website - Holiday Catalog 2013

spirit and fog

Spirit Halloween has arrived in town for the season once again. It's only been in Halifax for the past three or four years and before it...
Label : retail therapy
| boy |

the leader

I've hesitated before posting pictures of my front yard pumpkin patch throughout the summer because so many fledgling pumpkins died on t...
Label : pumpkins, pumpkins progress
| boy |

Mixed Media Piece - The Raven Calls

Mixed Media - Full Moon

Label : Mixed Media - Full Moon
| boy |

Mixed Media - Bats

Label : Mixed Media - Bats
| boy |

dinner is served

Spaghetti and meatballs for supper. Halloween chocolate bars for dessert. It's that time of year.
Label :
| boy |

Mixed Media - Haunted Time

Label : Mixed Media - Haunted Time
| boy |

september thirteenth. friday

Along with all of the spooky and superstitious Friday the 13th posts out there today, I'm noticing that many are also mentioning autumn-...
Label :
| boy |

ATC - Bats in the Belfry

Label : ATC - Bats in the Belfry
| boy |

required eating

I can never seem to resist the first sighting of these in my local grocery store. I've already bought two bags. And I don't even li...
Label : candy
| boy |

ATC - Hair-raising Fashion

Label : ATC - Hair-raising Fashion
| boy |

Mixed Media Piece - Tiny Clown with Pet Bear

Mixed Media Charm - Black Cat

DIY: Fleecy Set

Okay I'm addicted to iMovie! So here's another short DIY tutorial viddy for a cropped sweater and skirt ensemble. I was walking thro...

Mixed Media Charm - Bottled Mystery

pumpkin spice redemption

As an update to my previous latte post, I made a further attempt to enjoy my "first" pumpkin spice latte of the season. The experi...
Label :
| boy |

Mixed Media Piece - Found

I created this 4" x 2" piece for an embellishment Swap 
Label : Mixed Media Piece - Found
| boy |

Mixed Media Charm - Oct 31

Label : Mixed Media Charm - Oct 31
| boy |

false start

So, realizing that September has begun and Starbucks has in all likelihood begun serving up its pumpkin spice lattes once again, I stopped i...
Label : beverages, pumpkins
| boy |

Over the Jack o Lantern

Label : Over the Jack o Lantern
| boy |

Retro Treaters

  This looks early 1970s
Label : Retro Treaters
| boy |

rainy nights and pumpkin spice

A dark and rainy night. It would feel positively autumnal if not for the cloying humidity. Pumpkin spice candlelight is the perfect antidote.
Label :
| boy |

All Demin

What's the next step up from double denim? EVERYTHING DENIM! It's a darn shame I don't have denim hair or underwear. So, Friday ...