The title of this post is misleading. I haven't really gotten sidetracked. I've just . . . remembered a project that I had planned to begin but that had gotten pushed to the back of my mind. And now it's worked its way to the forefront again. It's not a prop. But it is Halloween-related. So I don't feel as if I'm falling off the New Year's resolution wagon already. Simply taking a detour. The scenic route. The long way around.
Anyway. I save many of the Halloween magazines I buy each year. And each year, I become increasingly frustrated when I go off in search of a recipe that I know I saw in one of those magazines. Somewhere. I eventually find it. Sometimes. But only after an irritatingly long search.
So then I thought: Why not make copies of my favourite recipes. The ones I absolutely love and know I will search for again and again. Photocopy them. Or copy them the old-fashioned way. With a pen. Put them on index cards. And place them in a recipe box. Simple and convenient. I even bought an unfinished wooden box at Michael's last fall. Then I put it in a cupboard and forgot about it.

But now with the snow piled up outside it became the perfect quickie project. Amazingly quick. Especially for someone like me who tends to drag projects out until they've taken much longer than ever intended. Tweaking. Changing. Starting over.

But not this time. Some orange and black paint. Some images of vintage postcards clipped from a magazine. Some Modge Podge. And done. Well, almost done. I'd like to put something on the lid. And maybe a snappy name for the box. I'll have to think about that. I'm sure it will take much longer than ever intended.
Anyway. I save many of the Halloween magazines I buy each year. And each year, I become increasingly frustrated when I go off in search of a recipe that I know I saw in one of those magazines. Somewhere. I eventually find it. Sometimes. But only after an irritatingly long search.
So then I thought: Why not make copies of my favourite recipes. The ones I absolutely love and know I will search for again and again. Photocopy them. Or copy them the old-fashioned way. With a pen. Put them on index cards. And place them in a recipe box. Simple and convenient. I even bought an unfinished wooden box at Michael's last fall. Then I put it in a cupboard and forgot about it.

But now with the snow piled up outside it became the perfect quickie project. Amazingly quick. Especially for someone like me who tends to drag projects out until they've taken much longer than ever intended. Tweaking. Changing. Starting over.

But not this time. Some orange and black paint. Some images of vintage postcards clipped from a magazine. Some Modge Podge. And done. Well, almost done. I'd like to put something on the lid. And maybe a snappy name for the box. I'll have to think about that. I'm sure it will take much longer than ever intended.