I have given considerable thought recently to the materials I might use in the construction of my Halloween tree. The idea of a large papier mache project is appealing, mostly because of the flexibility I feel it would provide in terms of design. Unfortunately, however, workspace is an issue for me. There is simply no separate secure space which I could devote to the construction of a project this size. Especially in the dead of winter. And having a cat become covered in papier mache paste as he familiarizes himself with the developing tree is not something I wish to experience.
Even if a place for construction could be found, there would still be the problem of where to store the completed prop(s). There's that pesky space issue again. I always try to build large props in such a way that they can be (somewhat) easily dis-assembled. The following year, they can then be re-assembled or have their component parts used in the creation of something completely different.
So papier mache is out. Wire and foam are in. And tape. Gotta have tape.

I've begun experimenting with branches.
Even if a place for construction could be found, there would still be the problem of where to store the completed prop(s). There's that pesky space issue again. I always try to build large props in such a way that they can be (somewhat) easily dis-assembled. The following year, they can then be re-assembled or have their component parts used in the creation of something completely different.
So papier mache is out. Wire and foam are in. And tape. Gotta have tape.

I've begun experimenting with branches.