The recent spate of snow and sub-zero temperatures have effectively laid to rest any fleeting thoughts I may have had of working on props outside in December. With temperatures not expected to rise any time soon, the only solution is to bring the projects indoors. And now all I need is space.
I've done some basement reorganizing and cleaning. Taken toys that have been sitting untouched on shelves for a few years and found new homes for them. Rather than creating more room, however, the remaining stuff seems to have expanded to fill the newly available space. But I just might be able to carve out a small area for myself. Somewhere between the air hockey table and the Guitar Hero drum kit.

First on my list is an unfulfilled dream from last season. An outdoor Halloween tree. I have a vision of it in my mind. In which it looks fabulous, of course. And I've got wire, a tomato cage purchased to support my doomed pumpkin plants, coat hangers, and some foam insulating material.
We'll see what happens. And how closely the reality matches the vision. Or not.