Perhaps one of the most appealing things about Boris Karloff, evident throughout clips of his interviews, commercials, and television guest appearances, was his willingness to poke fun at his on-screen persona. He never appeared to take his public image too seriously.
This sense of humour was also present in many of his radio appearances. Because in addition to horror, Karloff was a frequent guest on radio comedy and variety programs. Where the attention naturally focused on his "monstrous" reputation.

I must confess that comedy and variety shows are among my least favourite old time radio programs. Much of the humour is dated at best and cringe-inducingly sexist at worst. But I'm always willing to make an exception. Especially when Boris Karloff is the guest and is, as usual, having fun at the expense of his "horrific" image.
As in this episode of the Fred Allen Show from 1945, in which Fred urgently needs to rent a room and Boris Karloff conveniently has a room for rent.
(via Internet Archive)
This sense of humour was also present in many of his radio appearances. Because in addition to horror, Karloff was a frequent guest on radio comedy and variety programs. Where the attention naturally focused on his "monstrous" reputation.

I must confess that comedy and variety shows are among my least favourite old time radio programs. Much of the humour is dated at best and cringe-inducingly sexist at worst. But I'm always willing to make an exception. Especially when Boris Karloff is the guest and is, as usual, having fun at the expense of his "horrific" image.
As in this episode of the Fred Allen Show from 1945, in which Fred urgently needs to rent a room and Boris Karloff conveniently has a room for rent.
(via Internet Archive)