a gentle breeze

Ditulis oleh: -

The week had been too calm. Too quiet.

Usually the latter part of October is marked by torrential rain and raging winds. And the week before Halloween is spent waking each morning and surveying the damage. Followed by re-adjusting, repairing, and re-positioning. But this year, nothing. Everything was set up. And there it remained. So of course it couldn't last.

The wind arrived around noon. And it simply refused to leave. It became loud and obnoxious. Battering tombstones. Whipping the mourners robes around their heads. Chasing away the fog. Repeatedly extinguishing candles. It was certainly not welcome. But it was tolerated. For fear that if it overheard any complaints, it would wander off. But then return. Bringing along its even more annoying cousin: rain. So the wind remained throughout the evening. And when it had done enough damage, it left. But by then, the night was over.

Windiest Halloween ever. But at least it didn't rain.