
Ditulis oleh: -

Three days until Halloween and of course, no costume yet. Why am I not surprised? Despite good intentions, it's always the last thing prepared. But it could be worse. Progress has been made. It has been started. In actuality, it was started weeks ago and then delayed. Partly because of other distractions and partly because it's one of those projects that I'm making up as I go along. Like most of my projects. And I'll be honest. There have been a few . . . missteps. Miscalculations. Disastrous choices.

Right now, it looks like this (and yes, my work table is used for air hockey in the off-season):

But that's okay. All will be well. Still plenty of time. It will be completed. It has to be. Because I refuse to run to Zellers on Saturday afternoon for a last-minute mask. The memories are still too raw.