and the winner is . . . chocolate

Ditulis oleh: -

It sounded too good to be true. Truffles that combined cream cheese, chocolate and pumpkin. All three flavours blending perfectly. The truffle dream team. But no. One of them had to dominate. Take control. Push the others into the background. The culprit: chocolate. Next time, there will be severe restrictions placed on chocolate's participation.

Here's what happened:

11 oz. semi-sweet chocolate, melted
4 oz. cream cheese
1/3 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup icing sugar
3 Tbsp. cocoa powder
cinnamon & nutmeg, to taste

Combined all ingredients. Refrigerated until firm. Rolled into truffles.

There was also something about kneading marzipan, tinting it orange, rolling pieces of it around each truffle, and indenting the sides to resemble pumpkins. Sounds impressive. But with only three days until Halloween, I refused to even consider it. Instead, I took the easy way out and rolled them in these snazzy orange candy sprinkles. Fancy.

They tasted great. If you like chocolate with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg. And I do. But next time, the cream cheese and spice content will go up. Way up.