You've got to credit the mummy, Kharis, with resilience. Admittedly, a mummy has to be tough to survive thousands of years. And this guy is a survivor.

In The Mummy's Ghost , once again, no explanation is given regarding how Kharis managed to escape his fate at the end of The Mummy's Tomb, nor where he's been hiding. But he has apparently made his way south from Massachusetts. And once those tana leaves begin to simmer, he emerges like the cat in the Whiskas Temptations commercial. Only more slowly. Much more slowly.

As our story begins, Kharis and the mummified remains of his forbidden love, Princess Ananka, are both residing in the U.S., albeit separately. Meanwhile, back in Egypt, plans are underway to return them to their homeland. Another Egyptian priest is recruited, entrusted with long-held secrets, and sent on his way.

He dutifully summons Kharis. Those tana leaves apparently have quite the range. They locate the princess's tomb in a museum and discover . . . it's empty. It seems she got tired of waiting for rescue and found a living body to inhabit. Conveniently, there was a young woman of Egyptian descent living nearby.

And so forms the dreaded love triangle. Actually, a couple of triangles. And to make a long story short, these situations simply never end well. Abruptly. But not well.

And so forms the dreaded love triangle. Actually, a couple of triangles. And to make a long story short, these situations simply never end well. Abruptly. But not well.

Overall, The Mummy's Ghost doesn't do much of anything well. I want to say something positive about this film. I really do. The presence of Ananka, at least in spirit, is an interesting twist. There. That was positive. Otherwise, the movie's scenes are stilted, the performances wooden and often laughable. And not in a good way.
It may be time to give Kharis a long, well-deserved rest. But not quite yet. There's one more sequel . . .