
Ditulis oleh: -
I've pretty much given up looking for special Halloween products in the grocery aisles. I've accepted the fact that my local grocery stores do not stock special Halloween cereals. Or Halloween pop. Or Halloween cookies. It's been difficult. But I've learned to live with it.

But just when I think I'm over it, something happens to lure me back and give me renewed hope. And so it was when I spotted this advertisement on the back of a magazine. For Chapman's seasonal ice cream. Santa's Milk & Cookies. Holiday Twist. And . . . new this year . . . Praline Pumpkin Pie. My heart skipped a beat. This could be it. The turning point in my quest. My grocery store carries Chapman's ice cream. I've seen Christmas varieties in past years. It seemed only logical that they would carry the Halloween flavour as well. I grabbed the car keys and rushed out the door.

But I should have known better. There was plenty of Chapman's ice cream. I think they may have even been preparing an area for the Christmas flavours. But Praline Pumpkin Pie? Of course not. When will I learn?