countdown to halloween: october reading

Ditulis oleh: -
A highlight of last October's trip to Salem was The House of the Seven Gables.

We visited the house, upon which the novel was based, twice during our weekend trip. Once for a daylight tour and once for an evening theatrical presentation focused cleverly upon the story, with the audience moving through various rooms in the house and having the story gradually revealed by an actor within each room.

My enjoyment of the experience was not at all diminished by the fact that I had never read the actual story.

But I was determined to rectify this. So when I stumbled upon a copy of the story at a summer book sale, I bought it to add to my autumn reading. I'm halfway through and the neat thing is that, as I'm reading, I'm visualizing the actors and their presentation of the story. Which I think is a credit to their performance.

Unfortunately, Dusty (the seven gables cat) has yet to make an appearance in the novel.