Ditulis oleh: -

top and chord skirt from monki, cardigan from sogo, fur scarf/collar by initial, skeleton tight from bauhaus, belly button platforms tokyo bopper
, perspex clutch asos

I have arrived in Hong Kong! Been treating myself to a week of devouring delicious vegetarian meals, a small spot of shopping at mong kok (monki and initial are a must) and light exploring. I finally got myself a pair of skeleton tights I've been lusting over since the last time I was back. Now everyday can be Halloween in my tacky 'regal' hotel room.

Also, check out ODYSSEY - future/space/dead/sound, a friend's hip hop, space station side project (he asked me to get mad in Cantonese, track embed below heh). It's what I've been listening to lately, go here to stream or name your price and download!