
There is no better place for a blustery late-autumn day trip than a tiny island in the harbour of a small city on the North Atlantic coast. ...
Label : cemeteries, road trips
| boy |

Al's Diner

zara pink silk shirt, american apparel cord skirt, joyrich leather jacket, pony hair studded creepers, lace socks from city super, pentacle ...

Void on entering

I like sitting in my apartment with the lights out. Neon reflections glistening into my room, an omniscient observer, the streets bustling ...

first snow

Yesterday saw the first snowfall of the season. And it was a significant one. From their off-season home at the side of the house, the jack-...
Label : jack-o-lanterns, seasons
| boy |

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

It's says Thanksgiving but I think this looks a bit like Halloween. Here's wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving.
Label : Happy Thanksgiving 2011
| boy |

Dash Slash

UNIF disneylamb shirt, initial fur collar, red boots by Deena & Ozzy off urban outfitters Got to visit a film and television production ...
Label : college, deena and ozzy, UNIF
| boy |


So in the aftermath of Halloween, another Hal-Con has come and gone.  Initially, I was thrilled that they had to move the date of the secon...
Label :
| boy |

Little pink plastic bags

Just some of my highlights being in Hong Kong so far! I come back quite frequently but there is always something new and hidden to be found ...

Stuck on the Puzzle

topshop diamante sheer shirt, jeremy scott bag, peter pan collared jumpsuit and studded pony hair creepers from causeway bay shops I have a ...
Label : fridge, jumpsuit, terrarium
| boy |

candy corn in space

Finally.  It's been a long time coming, but it appears that the lowly candy corn may actually be getting some respect.  Especially since...
Label : candy, treats
| boy |

the spoils of November

So on Halloween night, my son was on the front porch helping to distribute treats. And at one point, we ran out of treat bags and had to tur...
Label : candy, halloween memories, treats
| boy |

Hearing eyes blink

backless velvet dress, button back zara turtle neck top, heart seamed tights from street vendor, studded pony hair creepers from random shop...