
Ditulis oleh: -
This is what happens when I become too smug and confident. I was in the front yard tending to my pumpkin plants.  Marvelling at how, thanks to a mid-summer growth spurt, I would have six decent-sized pumpkins to carve come Halloween.   Not huge. but large enough.   My daughter was on the veranda.  Looking at the pumpkin that had grown between my veranda posts.   And had received that dent.  When suddenly, she said,  " This looks bad."

From where I was standing, she appeared to be pointing to a small dark spot on the pumpkin's side. "Not at all" I replied, accustomed as I was to less-than-perfect pumpkins, "it's just one more part of this guy's unique character. It'll be fine."  But by the next day, one spot had become several . . .

. . . and six pumpkins were on their way to becoming five.