monster cookies

Ditulis oleh: -
It was beginning again.  Blog after blog after blog.   Heralding the return of autumn and Halloween-themed foods to store shelves everywhere.  Everywhere except here.  Apparently, "out there", there exists a plethora of  Halloween and pumpkin goodness at this time of year.   Pop Tarts.  Ice Cream.   Flavoured Coffee.  Cereals.

And here . . . ?   Here I get to pass displays of Pillsbury slice-and-bake cookies in the grocery freezer section.

Until now.

Because this week, staring out at me from a store shelf was none other than . . . "Monsters" cookies.  Box upon box upon box of Monsters cookies.  With the all-important selling features of real cocoa and zero trans fat.  No longer did I have to lament the absence of Halloween-inspired food products in my life.  No longer did I have to eat vicariously through the posts and photographs of others, more fortunate than I.   Now I, too, could partake in the goodness of seasonal treats.

I grabbed a box and took it home.

Yes, the cookies were dry.  And bland.  And barely recognizable as the monsters they represented.  And I never would have suspected the inclusion of "real cocoa" had they not promised it on the box.  But all of that is beside the point.  What matters here is that my autumn dreams have finally been realized.  As I kept reminding myself while I choked down a second and third monster cookie.

These may require an extra-large cup of pumpkin tea.