
Ditulis oleh: -
I've been watching the pumpkin that's been growing between the posts on my veranda. It's been one of the more successful aspects of my vertical pumpkin growing experiment. And I believed that, as the pumpkin grew larger, the posts would quite naturally push it forward and onto the veranda floor.

But no.

When I took a closer look, I discovered to my horror that the posts were indeed squeezing the pumpkin.  But they were holding it captive.  Denting its sides.  Preventing the areas in contact with the posts from expanding.  Luckily, I check on my pumpkins regularly.  And was able to rescue the little guy before it became hopelessly trapped.  Apart from a couple of dents, it continues to thrive.  But it opens up a world of possibilities.  Maybe next year, I'll try this . . .