So I'm walking downtown toward the waterfront on a calm and sunny Saturday evening. And as I approach Argyle Street, my eye is attracted by a figure leaning out of a window above one of the street's many bars. I've seen her there before. She has become such a fixture of the street that it's easy to forget that she always sits there. Watching. Largely unobserved. Unless you happen to glance up while passing. And notice her. Staring down at you. Just staring.

She has been there for a long while. Certainly since my return to the city seven years ago. Always quietly watching. Gazing down upon the passing parade of pedestrians. Looking contemplative. Never judgmental.

And maybe just a little bit creepy.
She has been there for a long while. Certainly since my return to the city seven years ago. Always quietly watching. Gazing down upon the passing parade of pedestrians. Looking contemplative. Never judgmental.
And maybe just a little bit creepy.