It has been an incredible week so far. Weatherwise. Temperatures approaching double digits. Bright sunshine. Crisp breezes. The sense that spring is truly just around the corner. I've begun going for longer walks, enjoying the warmth and beauty of the mornings.
And then I remembered.
Didn't I make New Year's/Halloween resolutions back in January? Or rather, one New Year's/Halloween resolution? One resolution in the hope that it would be easy to achieve. One Halloween prop per month. Which would guarantee an impressive display come October. One per month, that's all. One in January. One in February. And on and on.
Here it is March. And I'm still working on January's prop. Which really shouldn't surprise me. New Year's resolutions have never been my forte. Even when connected to Halloween. Granted, there were setbacks and glitches and new discoveries along the way. And the tree is almost finished. It will certainly be complete before the month of March is. Probably.
But I feel compelled to at least begin my next project. Even though I am not entirely sure what it will be, it will at least allow me the illusion of adhering to a schedule. And I do have a starting point.
Sometime last winter, I did some experimenting with papier mache. Different materials, different thicknesses, different pastes. Just for fun. No real purpose in mind. I made several similar objects to compare techniques. Small masks. Jack-o-lantern masks. It was an interesting process, although I had no immediate use for them.
They found their way into a storage container. Until now, that is. When they will again see the light of day and hopefully find new meaning as February/April's prop. Or something.