My Halloween costume box consists of an accumulation of masks, capes, and other assorted costume components that have been gathered over the years. Each year, many of them find new purpose as part of a prop. Or as part of a family member's costume. While others languish at the bottom of the box, patiently awaiting their turn in the spotlight. And each year, I sort through the collection with a critical eye, deciding what should stay and what should go. There have been numerous casualties over the years. The flashing devil horns. The foam wizard hat. The cheerful pumpkin costume my daughter wore when she was eight.
But regardless of the ruthlessness of my intentions, I can never seem to part with these masks. These valuable dollar-store acquisitions were among my earliest Halloween purchases. And with the exception of the skull, most haven't been given a home within my haunt in many a Halloween. Yet I find myself unable to let go. Unable to say good-bye. Even though I could replace them for a handful a Loonies.
Perhaps one year, my theme will be "A Dollar Store Halloween". And they will finally be given their chance to shine.