The Wolfman opens this weekend. And I am torn. I wanted to see this movie. I really did. It seems like ages since I first heard the news of its production and impending arrival. I wanted to see it and I wanted to love it every bit as much as I love the original. Maybe more. Larry Talbot is my favourite Universal monster.
But I was worried. Throughout the discussion and the delays, I remained cautiously optimistic. Maybe they would remain true to the spirit of the original. Maybe plot and character would receive more attention than special effects. Maybe every remake of a classic horror film doesn't automatically have to be a blood fest. Maybe they would realize that horror is not synonymous with gore.

The television previews began to appear. They looked intriguing. Very atmospheric. I allowed myself to feel hopeful. And then I paid a quick visit to IMDB for some early reviews. More details. And my deepest fears were realized upon encountering the words, ". . . expect to see a lot of blood, gore, and human body parts flying around all over the place."
I knew it. It was just as I had anticipated. Apparently, classic horror remakes do have to be blood fests. To be fair, I am basing my dismay upon only a couple of personal opinions. I'll wait to read more detailed reviews. Try to find some balance. Make a more informed decision.
And then I'll probably pull out my DVD of the 1941 version.