the grass is always greener . . .

Ditulis oleh: -
For many years, I could only watch with envy as others enthused about the plethora of Halloween-themed and/or pumpkin flavoured foods that began appearing on store shelves at this time of year. Sadly, few of these products made it across the border into Canada.

So imagine my excitement when I discovered that new Canadian resident, Target, has begun stocking some of these seasonal delicacies.  Thrilled, I snapped up one of these beautiful packages and rushed home.

Alas, my excitement was short-lived. Where I had anticipated delectable orange-hued chips sprinkled among the chocolate (at best, pumpkin-spiced; at worst, butterscotch) I encountered instead dry, hard-coated orange candies whose bitterness seemed to mirror my own.

Perhaps I'll console myself with a pumpkin spice latte.