Prismatic core online

Ditulis oleh: -
I've had my eye on those fluffy motel crop halters lately. But what's more fun and more importantly, economical (been so good saving for JAPAN in April) than making your own! Here's a tutorial on how to make a basic halter neck that I did a while back... I chose a downy fluffy material and bias seam ribbon from my local fabric store. It's like a dreamy cloud :D.

More after the break! 

american apparel sheer crop, diy halterneck, ella maximillion choker, topshop jeans, sretsis bag, oc x adidas platform sneakers

Speaking of economical, it's been really satisfying culling my wardrobe to make room for more well informed purchases or just giving breathing room to old favourites (I'll always adore going back to wearing time and time again). It's been a long time coming but I think I've finally kicked old habits and overcome a case of shopping addiction. I was always chasing that thrill of having new things but most of it would never get worn! It's a shame wasting all that money in the process/finding homes for them, thank god for eBAy, or just end up chucking it out, which is the worst.
I've realised when I shop now I go through a few rules that help me build a smarter wardrobe:

1. If you know you'll wear something as soon as soon as you received it (online shopping)/purchase it.

Usually means the piece you're lusting over can easily be integrated into your existing wardrobe, it fits you're style to the T and you don't have to invest in other things to go with your new buy. You can be sure it won't sit there waiting to be worn then losing its lustre.

2. Cooling off period. 

I get over things quite quickly and purchase on impulse but if I can't stop thinking about a certain item for more than a month, I know I truly LOVE it and NEED it and won't stop lusting until it's sold out. If that's too long to wait and you miss out then you'll always love again, don't feel cheated, especially by fast fashion. You can always wait for discount vouchers for extra motivation hehe.

3. What's the best alternative?

Can you find a way to make it yourself or thrift it? What about another brand or local designer that sells it for cheaper (you'd be supporting independent designers too!). An even better strategy is to search for things in your wardrobe that could be similar, you'd be surprised at what you've forgotten you've crammed in there.

That's my personal guide, it's so easy to make smarter buys while being more ethical on waste and supporting independent designers as well!
Do you have any tips on updating your wardrobe of your own? I'd love to hear from you.