
Ditulis oleh: -
From my experience, Sporty Spice (after Scary) used to be the least coveted 'spice' when it came to primary school lunchtime role plays. Girls would fight and cry over Posh and Baby. There would be that one girl who would automatically assume Ginger like it was their destiny. There was always the one that would storm off and rather not play when they didn't get their way. 

More after the break!

speedo sport crop, american apparel skirt, oc x addidas shoes, fluffy earring from etsy, furry bag made by me available via blogstore

New Rylsee Tattoo say hi! Cyril, visual artist from Geneva, based in Berlin is a wiz at graph and illustration. I admire his ability to really transport you to a realm that I describe as pure childhood joy. Filled with characters that just look like they'll be your best friend and party with you unconditionally, his works melt my heart. Not to mention his creative typography is a step above the rest.  I have the Waterpark for Depressive ghosts hanging above my bed...