Merry Daily

Ditulis oleh: -
It's been golden week here in Japan, where all the public holidays coincide within one week. That's one week of drinking, partying or flocking out of Tokyo! I went on a Shinkansen (bullet train)! Something I've always wanted to do...

tattoo sheer top from etsy, patent skirt and purple net bag from nadia, new tokyo bopper platforms (arghhh so in love!!)

We spent a few days sipping on holy water, visiting beautiful temples, getting lost in the alleys of Ponto-Cho (nightlife district tucked in a narrow back street which runs for miles lit by lanterns) and eating a heap at Nishiki Markets (my favourite thing was the terriyaki octopus with quail egg in its head, haha sounds gross but I would make the trip just for these bad boys) in Kyoto. 

Then it was an afternoon in Osaka, eating our way up Dotonburi (this food of restaurants and food stalls are decorated by larger than life plaques of giant takoyaki signs, puffer fish or dancing mascots, it was a bit like walking through the EKKA, but a million times cooler) then sat by the sunny canal under Ebisu Bashi bridge with a few strong zeros waiting for the Glico sign light up! 

Meanwhile I have been compiling a list of favourite places and shops to visit around Tokyo; will definitely be sharing that as soon as I've been everywhere!