Since my last update I have visited a bunny cafe, cat cafe (that's right sippin' on that tea and cuddling fluffy cuties is what life is all about), kitsune cafe, went to a twilight movie festival at zushi beach, roller disco at Tokyo Dome (on blades because I'm unco therefore I suck), partied hard/perved at all the gorgeous well dressed hotties at Trump Room and of course shopped my heart out!

lover skilk shirt, sretsis playsuit, white tokyo boppers, deadly ponies leather backpack, my giant fat face from the JR exhibition at Watari museum
One of the highlights was M.Y.O.B's pop up store opening at Kitakore building (designer's studios and revamped warehouse housing independent, forward boutiques, DOG and Garter, click the link to watch Pharell Williams take us through the joint) where I finally met the incredibly lovely Maya Kibbel as well as the super sweet BABIN' designer's themselves, Comi and Tanimi. These girls are onto something with their cool, hand-made, statement accessories, I just had to own something before they blow up! Photos of the night by Maya Kibbel; more here!

Two weeks left, I am so upset to be counting down the days I have left here! I sure could get used to living here...

lover skilk shirt, sretsis playsuit, white tokyo boppers, deadly ponies leather backpack, my giant fat face from the JR exhibition at Watari museum
One of the highlights was M.Y.O.B's pop up store opening at Kitakore building (designer's studios and revamped warehouse housing independent, forward boutiques, DOG and Garter, click the link to watch Pharell Williams take us through the joint) where I finally met the incredibly lovely Maya Kibbel as well as the super sweet BABIN' designer's themselves, Comi and Tanimi. These girls are onto something with their cool, hand-made, statement accessories, I just had to own something before they blow up! Photos of the night by Maya Kibbel; more here!

Two weeks left, I am so upset to be counting down the days I have left here! I sure could get used to living here...