Organic Geometry

Ditulis oleh: -

necklace, choker and earrings all by naked label

Ocean, space and futurism collide to create Naked Label. This conceptual jewellery label founded by Allison Press, is somewhat a nexus to an advanced realm beyond our time for the imagination. The combination of molten metal, pvc, plastic tubing and quartz propose a science fiction fantasy. Having worked with Ohne Titel, Vivienne Tam, and Love Brigade, you can imagine how excited I was when I received her e-mail offering me whatever I wanted from her latest fall 2012 collection, 'cosmos' as well as the spring summer selection, 'captured.'

Here's a quick Q&A with the New York based designer herself;

3 words that describe you?

Eclectic, Imaginative, and Fun!

If you had to eat one type of food for the rest of your life what would it be?


Top 3 movies of all time?

Ohh thats a tricky question!! I guess I'd go with Amelie, Anything Monty Python, and The Princess Bride.

What are you listening to at the moment?

"Seven" by Prince, I've recently become re-obsessed!

Where are you on a sunday afternoon?

Either in the park or at the beach!

If it was your birthday next what would be at the top of your wishlist?

I've had my eye on this jellyfish-fish tank, its beautiful! Holds up to 6 jellyfish and has color changing led lighting!

What's next for naked label?

I'm currently working on the new collection, it focus' on signature elements with a Sci-Fi African/Egyptian theme!! I'm also always looking for new creatives to collaborate with, I love making one-offs for the stage and runway!

GIVEAWAY: Finally, Allison has been so kind as to offer all you readers out there, a chance to win a connector necklace for yourself, all you have to do is:

2. Like my blog; panache's facebook page
3. Leave your e-mail in a comment in this post

Easy peas! The winner will be contacted on the 26th July, good luck everyone! :D